Note on commercial and non-commercial use. some of my cartoons
Let me know what you think of my cartoons through the [comment] link after each one.
I've decided to try drawing an ongoing series of science-oriented cartoons called RandomWalks.
knight-trust (33k) - [comment]
This is one of several cartoons I drew recently to illustrate a book Protect Your Ass-ets by local businesswoman Dymphna Boholt. Most of the book is a practical guide to the extraordinary lengths required these days to protect against unscrupulous law suits. Unfortunately it also talks about how to avoid paying the proper tax due -- something I frown upon. Tax is required to keep society running smoothly. If the rich avoid it then undue burden falls upon the poor to support the rich -- a recipe for disaster.Cutting Edge Technology (9k) - [comment]
Mouse Accelerate (20k) - [comment]
I used to make my own Xmas cards and post them out. This and the two below are some.Merry Xmas (29k) - [comment]
Heads or Tails (21k) - [comment]
Virtual Free-range (28k) - [comment]
Laser copier (24k) - [comment]
The Munchkin Project (58k + 82k +50k) -- a true story. - [comment]